Monday, June 22, 2020

People under the surface, mirrors on the wall, charms and wits, hard to beat, songs to sing. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal.

Over The Decades:Paths To Cross,Roads Traveled. Earth Angel, Battles And Wars Won, Dances In The Sky, Heaven Is Home, Castles in The Clouds, Walking On Sunshine, Daily Events. Pages To Go.There are days that we wake up loving each other.
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People under the surface, mirrors on the wall, charms and wits, hard to beat, songs to sing. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal.

Trips To Disneyland, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Sundays, Walks.A Secret Affair.Apples?Snake In Grass. Cheap Tricks, Allstate Pays Well. And that should tell you how I feel. It's all just crap.Good morning!!!!Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers Talk. Now or later, hits and misses, boys to men, rats to roaches, walks of fame.

American birds, out of free fucks, senior lady, for senior man, age, how tall, retired from what, and locations, are factors. Walking on sunshine, mountains to climb, gems to love, diamonds and paste.
People under the surface, mirrors on the wall, charms and wits, hard to beat, songs to sing. Juliana Santiago, Dicks, dawgs, stole and trash the personal.Image
Veterans took on a ride. Batman comes to town...Wonder if this is true can you see the batmobile around? Ready To Turn Around, Persistence Pays Daily: Blue Dreams, Stars To Shine, Darkness In The Nines, Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars Brighton Turns.End of the Rainbow. Girls In Red Hoods, Good Tales: Lucky In Life, Lucky In Love, Wild And Free, Wild Hogs.Setting standards.

It’s funny (not really) walking down the street most people look depressed and out of it, as somebody dropped them off at the twilight zone. Nobody wants to make eye contact or say hello, just walking zombies everywhere.

"Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please: Sheri, Rachel, Sima, And Steven Gay Jarrot.Anonymous Ship of Fools...Steve Sailer on Tucker Carlson’s bestseller, on how a selfish ruling class is bringing America to the brink of revolution.Pebbles Beaches: 🎡Views To Delight: Same As It Ever Was!

It’s funny (not really) walking down the street most people look depressed and out of it, as somebody dropped them off at the twilight zone. Nobody wants to make eye contact or say hello, just walking zombies everywhere.

PLENTY OF FISH IN THE SEAS. Fun And Games, Sons To Shine, Faces Under The Skins, Spiders, Snakes And Worms. Let It Go Create Positive Lessons, Classes Of Bitches, , devil mad dogs, tricks with guns, rats to races.Back in the day, lovers and hates, hats to wear, jackasses in the valleys, good times, bumps in the road. #MyMotto.......cause no one will know your struggles like you do, so when you reach a goal.
Views in the dark, walks on the moon, coins to flip....Once A Day. THE RUN, WHAT?Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:Frank Agresti , Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago.
You have not, cause you ask not.Ask you shall receive ..Woman of God, proud mother, serious go getter, writter, lyricist, motivational speaker, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars:When you and the ROACH  been battling for years .

Image result for frank agresti
Flashes in time, back in time. Frank Agresti , Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Fairy Tales:Snakes and Vipers:History Created, Not News. 5151:PLENTY OF FISH IN THE SEAS. Fun And Games, Sons To Shine, Faces Under The Skins, Spiders, Snakes And Worms. Let It Go Create Positive Lessons, Classes Of Bitches, , devil mad dogs, tricks with guns, rats to races.Back in the day, lovers and hates, hats to wear, jackasses in the valleys, good times, bumps in the road. #MyMotto.......cause no one will know your struggles like you do, so when you reach a goal.


Flashes in time, back in time. Frank Agresti , Adriana Agresti, Alex Agresti,Juliana Santiago. Fairy Tales:Snakes and Vipers:History Created, Not News. 5151: Back in the ...Love, lights, lessons, leaders, luck, coins to play, angels on earth, sisters of colors, rainbow readers, hosts of angels to greet. Birthdays daily, deaths daily, holidays hits and misses, we are all family. 

πŸŽ΅πŸ˜…πŸ˜Let's get together. Seasons Of Delight, Wishes, And Stars. It’s funny (not really) walking down the street most people look depressed and out of it, as somebody dropped them off at the twilight zone. Nobody wants to make eye contact or say hello, just walking zombies everywhere.

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